Leaving Cert Geography class trip to Youghal beach.

October 15, 2024

Ms O’Brien’s Leaving Certificate Geography class travelled to Youghal Beach yesterday to study the impact of transportation and deposition on the formation of a coastal landscape. They participated in various activities including a Wind Analysis and Wave Frequency Count, along with measuring Longshore Drift, Beach Fabric and Groynes. They also conducted a Beach Profile Analysis. The write up of the Geographical Investigation on these activities is worth 20% of their Leaving Certificate result.

Well done girls on a fantastic morning’s work, which was really enjoyed by all. It is a ideal opportunity for the students to put the textbook into practice, which will be of great benefit to them in their exams. We then returned to school for the afternoon, to complete a workshop on the compilation and analysis of results. Special thanks to Ms Noble, Ms Craven and Ms Hamilton for accompanying us and facilitating the tasks.